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EdiWriterT, UWriteAsync(EdiMessage, CancellationToken, Boolean, Separators) Method

Writes a message to the destination asynchronously with cancellation token.

Namespace: EdiFabric.Framework.Writers
Assembly: EdiFabric (in EdiFabric.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public override Task WriteAsync(
	EdiMessage message,
	CancellationToken token,
	bool autoTrailer = true,
	Separators separators = null


message  EdiMessage
The message to write.
token  CancellationToken
The cancellation token.
autoTrailer  Boolean  (Optional)
Whether to auto generate the trailer. True by default.
separators  Separators  (Optional)
The separators. Allows to write multiple messages to the destination, each with its own separators.

Return Value

See Also