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AckSettingsT, U Properties

The AckSettingsT, U type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAckHandler The EDI acknowledgment handler. It is raised after reaching the end of each EDI group as the EDI document is read along for X12. It is raised after the end of each EDI interchange as the EDI document is read along for EDIFACT.
Public propertyGenerateForValidMessages Indicates if EDI message acknowledgment segments are generated for valid messages. UCM for EDIFACT AK2 for X12
Public propertyGroupDuplicates Indicates whether to detect duplicate EDI groups within the same EDI interchange.
Public propertyInterchangeDuplicates A delegate to detect duplicate EDI interchanges. All interchange control numbers must be preserved externally for a period of time.
Public propertyMessageControlNumber The latest control number that was used in the message header. EDI transaction control are always sequential and automatically generated.
Public propertyMessageHandler The message handler. It is raised after reaching the end of each EDI message as the EDI document is read along.
Public propertyTechnicalAck Controls the generation of technical acknowledgment. By default it generates it according to the ISA14 flag (for X12) or UNB9 flag (for EDIFACT). It allow the generation of technical acknowledgments to be suppressed or enforced regardless of the ISA14 or UNB9 value.
Public propertyTransactionSetDuplicates Indicates whether to detect duplicate EDI transactions within the same EDI group.
Public propertyValidationSettings The validation settings.
See Also